Starting with early March 2015, CyanogenMod for the whole original line of Sony’s Xperia Z devices support F2FS, a filesystem optimized for flash memory. Tests have shown it to outperform the default ext2/3/4 that we used previously, so definitely a nice thing to have.
However, if you want to benefit from F2FS, you need to manually convert your phone. Be aware that this needs some understanding of how to use ADB and the conversion process will DELETE all you user data/settings!
First, you need to have CyanogenMod 12 or higher installed on your phone, and be using the official recovery. Also, you need ADB installed and ready to use on your computer.
This is how you convert to F2FS:
– Connect your phone via USB and boot into recovery mode
– Open a command line and type “adb shell”
– Type “mkfs.f2fs /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache”
– Type “mkfs.f2fs /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata”
– Reboot the device
Is it possible to use f2fs for the sd card, too?
no. also it wouldn’t be very useful: you wouldn’t be able to read them on most computers or other devices. also, f2fs only brings noticeable performance advantage under r/w loads. that is why we do not format the /system partition with it, as well.