
Content related to various emulation projects.

WinUAE Help 3.0.1

After the massive update last time around, only minor changes this time. Caught up with WinUAE 4.2 thanks to Peter, and made some minor corrections. Go download it!

Also, this is some anniversary: 20 years ago, I started pulling together the first content of the help file together with Brian King. How time passes…

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WinUAE Help 2.2.15 & Online

There is a new version of the WinUAE Help file available as of now, which is 2.2.15. You may grab the updated version in our downloads section, as usual.
Also, in a rare case of promised and actually completed some work: the online version of the WinUAE Help is now up-to-date with the latest development! There have been a lot of changes going on in an attempt to vastly improve the content quality. This will ultimately result in a version 3.0 for the file. In the meantime, keep track of progress at winuaehelp.vware.at!

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