WinUAE Help 3.0.3
Sort of old news, but we are at version 3.0.3 since July, just forgot the announcement – see WinUAE.
Sort of old news, but we are at version 3.0.3 since July, just forgot the announcement – see WinUAE.
So I’ve recently gotten ahold of the Steam port for P4G and discovered a nifty little save editor to fix a save state I had messed up. It is open source, but it lacked some of the features I wanted and was not 100% compatible with the PC port of the game.
So a short while later, I modified the tool to be able to fully support the PC port. You can find it in the tools section! I’ve also made some other improvements:
Persona 4 Golden Save Tool 1.7 Read More »
A little gift before we end the 2010s – go grab the latest help file from the download section and have a happy and successful next decade!
After the massive update last time around, only minor changes this time. Caught up with WinUAE 4.2 thanks to Peter, and made some minor corrections. Go download it!
Also, this is some anniversary: 20 years ago, I started pulling together the first content of the help file together with Brian King. How time passes…
A bit of a late Christmas gift, the revamped official WinUAE Help file version 3.0 has been released. Also, the (now preferred) online version is up to date with the latest developments in the emulator.
And yes, it is extremely fancy… expect no less from a design-impaired programmer. Still, plenty of updates all around!
There is a new version of the WinUAE Help file available as of now, which is 2.2.15. You may grab the updated version in our downloads section, as usual.
Also, in a rare case of promised and actually completed some work: the online version of the WinUAE Help is now up-to-date with the latest development! There have been a lot of changes going on in an attempt to vastly improve the content quality. This will ultimately result in a version 3.0 for the file. In the meantime, keep track of progress at!
WinUAE Help 2.2.15 & Online Read More »
As you might have noticed, is now redirected to, in an effort to switch all offerings to encrypted HTTP. Also, working on updating that site, as it has collected some dust over the years…
After some jackass tried attacking our old website host, and it’s content went offline for some time. That was not due to a successful attack but rather dissatisfaction with the hosting company. We have since moved to a new host with modern software and HTTPS support. Do enjoy.
Business as usual: Peter has been toiling away on our latest revision of the official WinUAE Help file. Meanwhile, I am working on a way to deliver it’s content easier and in more ways than in the last decade or so. Stay tuned, and grab the file at the usual place.
WinUAE Help 2.2.14 Read More »