NetInventory Documentation  

Collector Advanced Settings


The Advanced Settings offers settings for internal processes of the program and should only be changed by advanced users.


Inventory Advanced Settings


Available options

Restrictive security mode: This option regulates access rights for the GUI of Collector. When enabled, only Domain Administrators or Local Administrators are granted access to the GUI. Only Domain Administrators will be granted permission to access the options menu and to the menu entry for saving data to the database.
This mode has been implemented for use in a Windows Domain environment and should be enabled after basic configuration has completed and the application is to be used accross the network. However, this should be left disabled when used on single Workstations or Workgroups.

Note: This option will take effect the next time the program is started.


Query software details with WMI: When searching for installed software, Collector seeks the registry for data about the installations. This information may be unreliable and incomplete. If this option is enabled, the program will utilize WMI to seek for installed software. The drawback is that WMI only finds software that has been installed with the Windows Installer service. Installations made with other tools, for example NSIS, will not be detected.


Maximum simultaneous scans: NetInventory supports up to 20 simultaneous scans. This feature can decrease the ammount of time needed to scan a full network dramatically. Be aware that the more scans you configure, the more system memory will be used.

Example: Assume you intend to scan 40 machines, where the scanning process takes 2 minutes on the first 10 machines, and only 30 seconds on the other clients.

Number of simultaneous scanners Time needed to complete all machines
1 35:00 min
5 07:00 min
10 03:30 min
20 02:00 min